Julia was the eldest of nine children born to William Charles and Caroline Elizabeth Chandler nee Bryant. She was born on 1 October 1860 in Hobart and was not named until after her birth was registered on November 6 by her aunt Julia Winters (born Esther Julia Bryant) from Battery Point.
Julia’s siblings were:
- 1863 William Charles
- 1865 Robert Henry
- 1867 Mary Ann Eliza (Doll)
- 1870 Caroline Louisa
- 1872 Sarah
- 1874 George Edward
- 1877 Ada Ellen
- 1882 Fanny Ethel (Ettie)
Julia’s father William arrived in Hobart on the sailing ship Fortitude in February 1855. Her mother Caroline arrived with her mother Charlotte Bryant on the ship La Hogue to Sydney then on the steamer Tasmania to Hobart in January 1856. I wonder if they already knew each other back in England.
The christening of Julia took place at St David’s Cathedral in Hobart on 9 December 1860. She must have had a great childhood growing up at Government Gardens where, by 1863, her father was a gardener at Government House.
In May 1883, Julia’s grandmother Charlotte passed away aged 79 at the home of the Winters family at 41 Elizabeth Street.
Married life and children
In 1885, Julia married Henry Lewis England at St George’s church with witnesses being WC Chandler – either father or brother and MA Chandler – her sister Mary Ann.

Over the next 10 years, four children were born to the couple:
- 1886 Ruby May
- 1888 Henry Lewis
- 1891 Gladice Emily
- 1894 Lucy Grace
The family must have been low in money during 1890 as Henry Lewis asked for an increase in wages as roadman for the Sandy Bay Road Trust and Mrs England, probably Julia, was given one pound for cleaning the offices of the Sandy Bay Road Trust over the previous year.
In March 1891, a Mrs England charged Annie Heazelwood for using abusive language towards her in the City Police court.
In 1898, Julia and the family headed to the beach near the battery and while absent their house was broken into and much money taken – both the taxes collected by Henry and the money saved by Julia.
Unfortunately, Julia didn’t live to see her children marry – Ruby May to Arthur John Sydney STIRLING in 1911, Henry Lewis to Hannah DAVEY in 1923 and Gladice Emily to Henry Gottman AMINDIE in 1921. She had already passed when her daughter Lucy Grace gave birth to her son Lewis Maxwell England in 1914 then Lucy also passed 8 months later in December 1914.
Julia Charlotte England passed on March 3, 1905 aged only 44. She was remembered in a memoriam in 1906.
At some stage the England family all sat for a photographer and here is the image of Julia Charlotte ENGLAND.