12 ancestors in 12 months

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Amy Johnson Crow runs a challenge where you write a post each week about one of your ancestors. But in 2018 I only completed 9 weeks, in 2019 only 8 and 2020 only 10. I didn’t even try in 2021.

So this year instead of doing 52 ancestors in 52 weeks, I have decided to follow the monthly themes instead.

As I complete the monthly post I will link to it on this post:

  • January: Foundations
  • February: Branching Out
  • March:  Females
  • April: Check it out
  • May: Social
  • June: Conflict
  • July: Identity
  • August: Help
  • September: Exploration
  • October: Preservation
  • November: Shadows
  • December: New Horizons

Readers: Are you going to take part in the challenge this year?

7 thoughts on “12 ancestors in 12 months

  1. Hi Sue,
    Yes I am going to attempt once again but I would like to do the 12 months one. For the life of me I can’t find the link in Amy’s 52 weeks email. Where did you find it please?

    • Marcia,
      Click on the link which says 52 ancestors in 52 weeks and it should take you to the page with the weekly challenges. But you need to register again this year if you want Amy to send you an email each week reminding you of the challenge topic.

      • Hi Sue,
        Yes I have registered again for 52 weeks and have received the first week email, but I can’t find the monthly prompts. Do we just choose whichever of the weekly ones we want to do?

        • Marcia,
          Part way down the first email is the heading Week 1 Foundations then she suggests what this might mean if you are doing it as a theme.

  2. Hi Sue,
    You really have me going now.
    I think I will try your twelve stories themes. I didn’t go for the fifty-two week challenge as I thought it would be too hard to complete.
    Let’s see if I can pull this one off.

  3. Hi Sue, I have not done any writing for a couple of years now, but would like to participate in the once a month challenge. Thanks for the prompt to get back into putting pen to paper.
    Wondering if you would like us to attach our stories here or just keep them to ourselves.

    • Dawn,
      Do you have a blog that you could write your post on? Or are you on Facebook as that is where the challenge originates? You can leave your answer here as a comment if you want otherwise.

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