Tasmanian convict records

Old Timey Music

Creative Commons License Don Gunn via Compfight

You are researching a convict who was transported to Tasmania (VDL). You have heard of the Tasmanian Names Index via LINC website, but how do you use it?

Like all good repositories, there is a help page that takes you through how to search using the index. This page includes a video showing how to use the filters and records when searching. There is also a quick start guide to look at. I would recommend watching the video as it will help with your searching and make it more efficient. I just spent some time watching it and learned some things to help with refining my search and saving the records.

Let’s now get more specific about convict records.

Again there are two family history pages to look at to help with convict records.

The first one is a convict portal which is linked to a map of Tasmania. Links on the map take you to specific places related to convicts in Tasmania eg probation stations, female factories, depots etc. Beside the map are links to other useful convict websites (not necessarily Tasmanian):

The second page explains all the different convict related records available for Tasmanian records. Most of these are digitized but not necessarily found by using the Tasmanian Names Index.

My next post will be more details about Tasmanian convict records especially those in the archive section rather than the Tasmanian Names Index.

Readers: What have you found interesting so far about researching a convict whether in Tasmania or another Australia state?


2 thoughts on “Tasmanian convict records

  1. Although I do not have convict ancestors, I have borrowed some from a friend. I’m really appreciating learning about the life the convicts experienced on their journeys to Australia, and how much they differed depending on the surgeon and captain. Was astonished to learn about the treatment of Indigenous convicts. I knew very little about this part of Australian history. My only wish is that all immigrants to Aust. in the 19th century had so much information available.

  2. Never would have been here without my convict ancestor….

    Never would have known I came from convict stock if I had not developed an interest in genealogy…

    Never would have ‘guessed’ why my parents behaved in the manner they did……..Knowledge is enlightening to say the least. While all may not have been revealed, it explains much…

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