Researching in the territories and offshore islands of Australia

I am writing  a post for each state of Australia with a list of great resources for researching ancestors in that particular state.  Tasmanian records are held mainly at Libraries Tasmania where both archive and library resources are on the one website.

All headings link to the website.

Clker-Free-Vector-Images / Pixabay

Northern Territory

Genealogical Society

This site has list of resources including cemeteries and a form to download if you know someone who has lived in NT before 1939.

Birth, Death and Marriage in NT

These records can’t be searched online, but you need to request a search from this website.

National Library Australia – NT guide

Apparently some online records are found at FindMyPast otherwise they are found in other state records as mentioned on this website.

Family Search Wiki for NT records

As NT has been part of other states of Australia at various times, some records will be found in NSW and South Australian records. This page shows where records can be found and whether they cost or are free.

AIATSIS – Aboriginal history

This website has lots of resources to help you find out about Aboriginal family history.

Flag of the Australian Capital Territory

Australian Capital Territory

Library of ACT

This website has links to many resources within ACT for researching family history.

Family Search Wiki for ACT records

A reminder that ACT was formerly part of NSW so many records can be found there as well. But the wiki shows where records can be found and whether they are free or at a cost.

Family History ACT

This website has many links to family histories and other records under the resources tab. If you join as a member, other information is then available s well.

National Library Australia – ACT guide

Some records can be found at FindMyPast and others at Access Canberra. This page also mentions other online and eresources found at the National Library.

Other islands

Christmas Island

Use the links on the right hand side to find records

Lord Howe Island

This Rootsweb message board has lots of links to resources about family on Lord Howe Island. This includes military, BDM, shipping etc.

Norfolk Island

Use the links on the right side to be directed to records about Norfolk Island.

Readers: What are other important websites you use to gather information when researching ancestors in Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory, Christmas Island, Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island?

Please read the comments as other family historians have added more websites to use.

Researching in Western Australia

Clker-Free-Vector-Images / Pixabay

I am writing  a post for each state of Australia with a list of great resources for researching ancestors in that particular state.  Tasmanian records are held mainly at Libraries Tasmania where both archive and library resources are on the one website.

All headings link to the website.

State Library of WA

There is a getting started portal for family history, as well as an online publication called Dead Reckoning which helps you through resources for family history research in WA. Also on this site is lists of passengers and ships. Another portal relates to Aboriginal family history research.

Friends of Battye Library

At the bottom of the main page are links to other sources for WA research, such as convicts in WA. There is also a dictionary of Western Australians.

State Archives or Records Office

Here is where you can search the archives collections. Listed are many of the resources found in the archives.

Department of Justice BDM

You can search WA birth, death and marriage indexes from here. Remember though, there will be year limitations depending on privacy rules for the state. You can also order certificates for the historic index results from here.

Department of local government

This department has many sources to researching your Aboriginal history. Some sources are online and able to be searched by yourself, others you need to apply for through a specialist researcher in the department.

Family History WA

Some online databases but also many others if you are a joined up member of the group. To find the databases, check under the tab indexes.

Family Search Wiki

Many sources here, some are free, others are at paying websites like Ancestry and Find My Past. Some sources are already mentioned in the other links in this post.

Readers: What are other important websites you use to gather information when researching ancestors in Western Australia?

Please read the comments as other family historians have added more websites to use.

Researching in South Australia

Clker-Free-Vector-Images / Pixabay

I am writing  a post for each state of Australia with a list of great resources for researching ancestors in that particular state.  Tasmanian records are held mainly at Libraries Tasmania where both archive and library resources are on the one website.

All headings link to the website.

State Library of South Australia

There is a family history portal here, which then leads you to places where you can read a guide to researching the topic or you can view records on the topic or you can visit a website on the topic.

They also have a link to SA Memory which is a website so everything can be viewed at home.

The digital collections at the library include oral history and letters and diaries plus other topics.

The library also has a chat with a librarian area for asking questions about your research.

Archives of South Australia

This is also known as state records of South Australia.

There are some online records found here but many have been uploaded to Family Search website (free just set up an account) or are part of the Flickr state records collection. They give a guide on how to find where the online records are kept.

They have a great page about researching your family history with a guide to what records are available.

Passenger lists are also found here and can be downloaded as PDFs.

Graham Jaunay website

Graham is a local historian in South Australia and has some free databases on his website as well as a great reference page explaining what can be found on different birth, death and marriage certificates around Australia. Make sure you also check out his research guides.

Family Search wiki

Family search is a free website with lots of records from South Australia recently uploaded to them. The link in the heading takes you to the wiki showing all the records found on many different websites. Those with $ means you need to pay money to join and see the records but there are many that are free images.

Genealogy South Australia

If you become a member you will then have a variety of different resources to use both online and at home. But there are also some online database records that non-members can use on this site.

South Australian Museum

This museum has a special section looking at family history of Aboriginal people. There is a PDF index of family names that can be checked. They have about 100 collections online in their archives that can be looked at.

Readers: What are other important websites you use to gather information when researching ancestors in South Australia?

Please read the comments as other family historians have added more websites to use.